Home » MCQ on Class 10 Science Chapter 7: How do Organisms Reproduce?

MCQ on Class 10 Science Chapter 7: How do Organisms Reproduce?

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Chapter 7 of class 10 science as per the NCERT syllabus is How do Organisms Reproduce which deals with the importance of reproduction, Modes of Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, the Human Reproductive System, Reproductive Health, etc.

Here, we have discussed 30 Multiple Choice Questions based on these topics of the chapter. These questions will help you to learn more about the chapter.

For each question below, there are four options out of which only one option is correct. The correct answer to each question is given at the end for your reference.

MCQ on Class 10 Science Chapter 7

1. Which process is essential for the continuation of a species?

A) Growth
B) Reproduction
C) Digestion
D) Respiration

2. In which type of reproduction are offspring genetically identical to the parent?

A) Asexual reproduction
B) Sexual reproduction
C) Vegetative propagation
D) Both A and C

3. What is the method of reproduction in bacteria where a single cell divides into two identical cells?

A) Fission
B) Budding
C) Fragmentation
D) Spore formation

4. In which type of reproduction do offspring develop from unfertilized eggs?

A) Parthenogenesis
B) Regeneration
C) Budding
D) Fragmentation

5. Which structure in plants contains the female reproductive organs?

A) Stamen
B) Ovary
C) Anther
D) Pistil

6. What is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma called?

A) Pollination
B) Fertilization
C) Germination
D) Dispersal

7. Which of the following agents is NOT involved in pollination?

A) Wind
B) Water
C) Insects
D) Birds

8. What is the fusion of male and female gametes called?

A) Pollination
B) Fertilization
C) Germination
D) Budding

9. Which structure develops into a seed after fertilization in a flowering plant?

A) Ovary
B) Ovule
C) Stigma
D) Sepal

10. Which type of cell division is involved in sexual reproduction?

A) Mitosis
B) Meiosis
C) Binary fission
D) Budding

11. Which of the following is an example of a plant that reproduces through spore formation?

A) Rose
B) Mango
C) Fern
D) Pea

12. In humans, where does fertilization typically occur?

A) Ovary
B) Uterus
C) Fallopian tube
D) Vagina

13. What is the name of the tube that carries sperm from the testes to the urethra in males?

A) Vas deferens
B) Ureter
C) Epididymis
D) Seminal vesicle

14. Which of the following is NOT a part of the female reproductive system in humans?

A) Ovary
B) Fallopian tube
C) Uterus
D) Prostate gland

15. What is the name of the process where the lining of the uterus is shed in females?

A) Ovulation
B) Menstruation
C) Fertilization
D) Implantation

16. Which of the following is a hormone involved in the menstrual cycle?

A) Insulin
B) Progesterone
C) Testosterone
D) Thyroxine

17. How many chromosomes are present in a human egg or sperm cell?

A) 23
B) 46
C) 24
D) 48

18. Which of the following is a form of asexual reproduction in animals?

A) Binary fission
B) Budding
C) Fragmentation
D) Regeneration

19. What is the name of the process where a new organism grows from a piece of the parent organism?

A) Fertilization
B) Fragmentation
C) Regeneration
D) Pollination

20. Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

A) Genetic variation
B) Rapid reproduction
C) Production of identical offspring
D) Adaptation to changing environments

21. Which of the following is NOT a method of asexual reproduction in plants?

A) Budding
B) Fragmentation
C) Spore formation
D) Germination

22. What is the structure that protects the developing embryo in a seed called?

A) Ovary
B) Ovule
C) Cotyledon
D) Seed coat

23. In which type of reproduction do offspring receive genetic material from two parents?

A) Asexual reproduction
B) Sexual reproduction
C) Regeneration
D) Budding

24. Which of the following is a method of artificial vegetative propagation?

A) Grafting
B) Budding
C) Layering
D) All of the above

25. Which of the following is an example of asexual reproduction in animals?

A) Binary fission in bacteria
B) Budding in hydra
C) Spore formation in fungi
D) Germination in seeds

26. What is the name of the process where a plant produces a new plant from its stem or root?

A) Budding
B) Layering
C) Grafting
D) Regeneration

27. In which type of reproduction does an offspring develop from an unfertilized egg?

A) Parthenogenesis
B) Regeneration
C) Fragmentation
D) Fertilization

28. What is the name of the male reproductive organ in flowering plants?

A) Pistil
B) Stamen
C) Ovary
D) Ovule

29. What is the term for the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower?

A) Self-pollination
B) Cross-pollination
C) Germination
D) Fertilization

30. What is the term for the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower?

A) Self-pollination
B) Cross-pollination
C) Germination
D) Fertilization

Correct Answers

Here is the list of the correct answers to the above questions.

  1. B) Reproduction
  2. A) Asexual reproduction
  3. A) Fission
  4. A) Parthenogenesis
  5. B) Ovary
  6. A) Pollination
  7. B) Water
  8. B) Fertilization
  9. B) Ovule
  10. B) Meiosis
  11. C) Fern
  12. C) Fallopian tube
  13. A) Vas deferens
  14. D) Prostate gland
  15. B) Menstruation
  16. B) Progesterone
  17. A) 23
  18. B) Budding
  19. C) Regeneration
  20. A) Genetic variation
  21. D) Germination
  22. D) Seed coat
  23. B) Sexual reproduction
  24. D) All of the above
  25. B) Budding in hydra
  26. B) Layering
  27. A) Parthenogenesis
  28. B) Stamen
  29. A) Self-pollination
  30. B) Cross-pollination

The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 MCQs on How do Organisms Reproduce of Class 10 Science Chapter 7 have helped you in your studies and preparation.

If you have any queries, or comments or find any mistake in the above questions, feel free to contact me in the comment section below.

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