Home » MCQ on Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 2: Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

MCQ on Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 2: Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

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Chapter 2 of the class 10 English Textbook First Flight as per the NCERT syllabus is Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom.

This chapter discusses the life and struggles of Nelson Mandela, who was a prominent leader in the fight against apartheid in South Africa..

Here, we have discussed 30 Multiple Choice Questions based on the chapter. These questions will help you to learn more about the chapter and practice for your exam.

For each question below, there are four options out of which only one option is correct. The correct answer to each question is given at the end for your reference.

MCQ on Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 2

1. What is the theme of Chapter 2 in the First Flight textbook?

A) The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
B) The Struggle for Civil Rights
C) The Space Race
D) The Industrial Revolution

2. Where was Nelson Mandela born?

A) Johannesburg
B) Cape Town
C) Pretoria
D) Mvezo

3. What was the primary cause that Nelson Mandela fought against?

A) Colonialism
B) Racism
C) Communism
D) Apartheid

4. Which political party did Mandela join in his youth?

A) African National Congress (ANC)
B) National Party
C) Democratic Alliance
D) Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)

5. Mandela was the first black president of which country?

A) Zimbabwe
B) Kenya
C) Nigeria
D) South Africa

6. What did Nelson Mandela do for 27 years of his life?

A) Served as a lawyer
B) Fought against apartheid
C) Lived in exile
D) Imprisoned

7. Where was Mandela imprisoned for the majority of his sentence?

A) Robben Island
B) Alcatraz Island
C) Devil’s Island
D) Sing Sing Prison

8. Mandela’s autobiography is titled:

A) “A Long Walk to Freedom”
B) “The Struggle Continues”
C) “In the Face of Adversity”
D) “The Road Less Traveled”

9. What was the name of Mandela’s second wife?

A) Winnie Mandela
B) Graca Machel
C) Albertina Sisulu
D) Evelyn Mase

10. Mandela’s release from prison in 1990 marked the beginning of:

A) Civil war
B) Apartheid
C) Democracy
D) Dictatorship

11. Which international organization awarded Nelson Mandela the Nobel Peace Prize?

A) United Nations
B) European Union
C) African Union
D) Amnesty International

12. Mandela’s leadership emphasized:

A) Revenge and retaliation
B) Forgiveness and reconciliation
C) Segregation and discrimination
D) Militancy and extremism

13. Mandela became the president of the ANC in the year:

A) 1952
B) 1960
C) 1994
D) 1918

14. What is the title of Nelson Mandela’s autobiography?

A) “Long Walk to Freedom”
B) “Apartheid and Beyond”
C) “Freedom Fighter”
D) “The Struggle Continues”

15. Who succeeded Nelson Mandela as the president of South Africa?

A) Thabo Mbeki
B) Jacob Zuma
C) Cyril Ramaphosa
D) F.W. de Klerk

16. Which river runs near Nelson Mandela’s birthplace?

A) Orange River
B) Limpopo River
C) Nile River
D) Congo River

17. What was the racial segregation policy in South Africa called?

A) Colonialism
B) Segregationism
C) Apartheid
D) Discrimination

18. Mandela’s famous speech advocating for peace and equality is known as:

A) “I Have a Dream”
B) “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”
C) “Long Walk to Freedom”
D) “I Am Prepared to Die”

19. Mandela was imprisoned for his involvement in which movement?

A) Anti-Colonialism Movement
B) Civil Rights Movement
C) Anti-Apartheid Movement
D) Independence Movement

20. Which country was Nelson Mandela’s prison located in?

A) United States
B) South Africa
C) Zimbabwe
D) Kenya

21. Who was Mandela’s mentor and a key figure in his political journey?

A) Albertina Sisulu
B) Oliver Tambo
C) Steve Biko
D) Desmond Tutu

22. Mandela served as the president of South Africa from:

A) 1990 to 1994
B) 1994 to 1999
C) 1999 to 2004
D) 2004 to 2009

23. What was the name of the political party founded by Mandela and others?

A) African National Congress (ANC)
B) Democratic Alliance
C) Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)
D) Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)

24. Who was the Prime Minister of South Africa when Mandela was released from prison?

A) P. W. Botha
B) F.W. de Klerk
C) Jacob Zuma
D) Thabo Mbeki

25. Which event led to Mandela’s decision to abandon nonviolent resistance?

A) The Sharpeville Massacre
B) The Soweto Uprising
C) The Rivonia Trial
D) The Treason Trial

26. Mandela’s prison number on Robben Island was:

A) 46664
B) 21835/63
C) 22564
D) 28901

27. What was the nickname given to Nelson Mandela by his supporters?

A) Tata
B) Madiba
C) Bantu
D) Sisulu

28. Mandela’s famous quote, “It always seems impossible until it’s done,” reflects his belief in:

A) Nonviolence
B) Persistence
C) Patience
D) Unity

29. Which of the following was not one of Mandela’s roles during his lifetime?

A) President
B) Lawyer
C) Nobel Laureate
D) General

30. What was the name of Nelson Mandela’s first wife?

A) Evelyn Mase
B) Graca Machel
C) Winnie Mandela
D) Albertina Sisulu

Correct Answers

Here is the list of the correct answers to the above questions.

  1. B) The Struggle for Civil Rights
  2. D) Mvezo
  3. D) Apartheid
  4. A) African National Congress (ANC)
  5. D) South Africa
  6. D) Imprisoned
  7. A) Robben Island
  8. A) “A Long Walk to Freedom”
  9. A) Winnie Mandela
  10. C) Democracy
  11. A) United Nations
  12. B) Forgiveness and reconciliation
  13. C) 1994
  14. A) “Long Walk to Freedom”
  15. A) Thabo Mbeki
  16. A) Orange River
  17. C) Apartheid
  18. D) “I Am Prepared to Die”
  19. C) Anti-Apartheid Movement
  20. B) South Africa
  21. B) Oliver Tambo
  22. B) 1994 to 1999
  23. A) African National Congress (ANC)
  24. B) F.W. de Klerk
  25. C) The Rivonia Trial
  26. B) 21835/63
  27. B) Madiba
  28. B) Persistence
  29. D) General
  30. A) Evelyn Mase

The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 MCQs on “Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom” of Class 10 English Chapter 2 of the First Flight Textbook have helped you to test your knowledge and preparation level.

If you have any queries, or comments or find any mistake in the above questions, feel free to contact me in the comment section below.

I would love to hear from you.

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