Home » MCQ on Class 9 Science Chapter 11: Sound

MCQ on Class 9 Science Chapter 11: Sound

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Chapter 11 of class 9 science as per the NCERT syllabus is Sound which deals with the Production of Sound, Propagation of Sound, Characteristics of a Sound Wave, Reflection of Sound, Echo, Reverberation, Range of Hearing, Applications of Ultrasound, etc.

Here, we have discussed 30 Multiple Choice Questions based on these topics of the chapter. These questions will help you to learn more about the chapter and test your knowledge.

For each question below, there are four options out of which only one option is correct. After selecting your answer, click on the submit button to see the score and review your answers.

MCQ on Class 9 Science Chapter 11

1. What is sound?

2. How is sound produced?

3. What is required for the transmission of sound?

4. What happens when an object vibrates?

5. How is sound propagated in a medium?

6. What are the regions of high pressure in a sound wave called?

7. What type of waves are sound waves?

8. What property of sound determines its pitch?

9. What is the SI unit of frequency?

10. What is the relationship between frequency (ν) and time period (T) of a wave?

11. What determines the loudness of a sound?

12. What is the region of low pressure in a sound wave called?

13. What is the wavelength of a sound wave?

14. What is the speed of sound in air at 20°C?

15. How does the speed of sound change with temperature?

16. What is the principle of superposition of sound waves?

17. What is an echo?

18. What is the minimum distance required for an echo to be heard distinctly?

19. What is the unit of loudness?

20. What is reverberation?

21. How can reverberation be reduced in a hall?

22. What is the audible range of sound for humans?

23. What are ultrasound waves?

24. What is sonar?

25. What is the principle behind sonar?

26. How is ultrasound used in the medical field?

27. What is echolocation?

28. What type of sound waves are used in echocardiography?

29. Which animal uses echolocation for navigation?

30. What is the speed of sound in water?

Review Your Answers Above.

The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 MCQs on Sound of Class 9 Science Chapter 11 have helped you in your studies and preparation.

If you have any queries, or comments or find any mistake in the above questions, feel free to contact me in the comment section below.

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