Home » Mock Test on Maurya Empire (Indian History) – 30 MCQs for Competitive Exams

Mock Test on Maurya Empire (Indian History) – 30 MCQs for Competitive Exams

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Welcome to our Maurya Empire mock test. This quiz contains 30 multiple-choice questions. It covers key aspects of ancient Indian history. The Maurya Empire was a powerful dynasty. It ruled from 322 to 185 BCE.

Mock Test on Maurya Empire (Indian History)

This test will assess your knowledge of Mauryan rulers, administration, and culture. It’s designed for competitive exam preparation. Test your understanding of this golden age in Indian history. Get ready to challenge yourself.

30 MCQs on the Maurya Empire

1. Who was the founder of the Maurya Empire?

2. Which famous advisor helped Chandragupta Maurya establish the Maurya Empire?

3. What significant text did Chanakya write?

4. What was the capital city of the Maurya Empire?

5. Who succeeded Chandragupta Maurya as the ruler of the Maurya Empire?

6. During which battle did Ashoka conquer Kalinga?

7. Which religion did Ashoka embrace after the Kalinga War?

8. What edicts did Ashoka inscribe to spread his message?

9. What was the primary language used in Ashoka’s edicts?

10. Which symbol, associated with Ashoka, is now part of the Indian national emblem?

11. Who was the Greek ambassador sent to the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

12. What book did Megasthenes write about India?

13. What title did Chandragupta Maurya assume after establishing the Maurya Empire?

14. What was the main occupation of people during the Maurya Empire?

15. Which river was crucial to the prosperity of the Maurya Empire?

16. Which dynasty did Chandragupta Maurya overthrow to establish the Maurya Empire?

17. What administrative system was established by Chandragupta Maurya?

18. What was the name of Ashoka’s father?

19. In which year did Ashoka become the emperor of the Maurya Empire?

20. What was the nature of the Kalinga War that led to Ashoka’s transformation?

21. What role did the city of Taxila play in the Maurya Empire?

22. Which Greek ruler was a contemporary of Chandragupta Maurya?

23. What was the extent of Ashoka’s empire at its peak?

24. What did Ashoka promote after his conversion to Buddhism?

25. Which Mauryan emperor sent Buddhist missionaries to various parts of Asia?

26. What title is often associated with Ashoka due to his support of Buddhism?

27. What significant architectural structure is attributed to Ashoka?

28. Which script was used in Ashoka’s inscriptions?

29. What was Ashoka’s Dhamma?

30. Which ancient university was part of the Maurya Empire?

Review Your Answers Above.

The Bottom Line

You’ve completed the Maurya Empire mock test. We hope it helped you review important facts. The Mauryan period was a time of great achievement. It saw advancements in art, architecture, and governance.

Remember to study the reigns of Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka. Focus on their policies and expansions. Keep practicing with more history quizzes. Good luck with your exam preparation. Your efforts will pay off.

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