Home » MCQ on The Making of a Global World | Class 10 SST History Chapter 3

MCQ on The Making of a Global World | Class 10 SST History Chapter 3

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Welcome to MCQ Assam School. This post contains 30 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) on Class 10 Social Science (History) Chapter 3. The name of the chapter is “The Making of a Global World”. So, basically, this post contains 30 MCQs on The Making of a Global World. These MCQs will help you to understand the chapter better and will also help you prepare for your exam.

MCQ on The Making of a Global World  Class 10 SST History Chapter 3

The Chapter deals with the following topics:

  1. The Pre-modern World
  2. Silk Routes Link the World
  3. The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
  4. The Inter-war Economy
  5. Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-war Era etc.

These MCQs can also act as a Mock Test. There are 30 MCQs. There are four options for each question. Out of the four options, only one option is correct. Choose the correct options for each question and click on the submit button to see the results. You can also, review your answers. For each right option, you will see a green check mark and for each wrong option, you will see a red cross mark. If the chosen option is wrong then a green check mark will appear near the right option. This way you will know the right answer.

Let’s begin.

30 MCQs on The Making of a Global World Class 10 SST History Chapter 3

1. What term is often used to describe the economic system that has emerged over the last 50 years?

2. What connected the Indus valley civilizations with West Asia around 3000 BCE?

3. What form of currency was used from the Maldives to China and East Africa?

4. When did the long-distance spread of disease-carrying germs become an unmistakable link?

5. What significant historical artifact from the ninth century indicates the importance of oceanic trade?

6. What does the term ‘Silk Routes’ primarily refer to?

7. Which civilization had an active coastal trade linked with West Asia around 3000 BCE?

8. What did the cowries from the Maldives indicate in ancient trade?

9. Which regions were connected by the Silk Routes?

10. What was carried along the Silk Routes besides goods?

11. Which century marks the unmistakable link of long-distance spread of disease-carrying germs?

12. What do images of ships in memorial stones from the ninth century signify?

13. Which ancient trade route is known for West-bound Chinese silk cargoes?

14. What was the primary use of cowries in the ancient trade network?

15. What major consequence did the long-distance trade routes have in terms of health?

16. Which artifact from the tenth century is associated with oceanic trade in Goa?

17. Which period marks the beginning of unmistakable long-distance spread of disease-carrying germs?

18. What kind of trade linked the Indus valley civilizations with present-day West Asia?

19. In ancient times, what did the movement of goods, money, and values often accompany?

20. When did cowries from the Maldives start finding their way to China and East Africa?

21. What was a significant consequence of the Silk Routes besides trade?

22. Which ancient civilization was involved in active coastal trade with West Asia?

23. What kind of routes were the Silk Routes?

24. How did the images of ships on memorial stones found in the western coast signify the ninth century?

25. What was a significant aspect of long-distance trade in ancient times?

26. What does the term ‘Silk Routes’ highlight?

27. How did travelers contribute to the interconnectedness of human societies in history?

28. What does the discovery of cowries in different regions indicate about ancient trade?

29. When did the long-distance spread of disease-carrying germs become unmistakable?

30. What indicates the significance of oceanic trade in the western coast from the ninth century?

Review Your Answers Above.

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The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 Multiple-choice questions have helped you learn more about the Class 10 Social Science (History) Chapter 3 (The Making of a Global World) in detail. You can retake the test anytime you want by refreshing the page and review your results.

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