Home » MCQs on Print Culture and the Modern World | Class 10 SST History Chapter 5

MCQs on Print Culture and the Modern World | Class 10 SST History Chapter 5

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Welcome to MCQ Assam School. This post contains 30 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) on Class 10 Social Science (History) Chapter 5. The name of the chapter is “Print Culture and the Modern World”. So, basically, this post contains 30 MCQs on Print Culture and the Modern World. These MCQs will help you to understand the chapter better and will also help you prepare for your exam.

MCQ on Print Culture and the Modern World

The Chapter deals with the following topics:

  1. The First Printed Books
  2. Print Comes to Europe
  3. Gutenberg and the Printing Press
  4. The Print Revolution and Its Impact
  5. The Reading Mania
  6. The Nineteenth Century
  7. India and the World of Print
  8. Religious Reform and Public Debates
  9. New Forms of Publication
  10. Print and Censorship etc.

These MCQs can also act as a Mock Test. There are 30 MCQs. There are four options for each question. Out of the four options, only one option is correct. Choose the correct options for each question and click on the submit button to see the results. You can also, review your answers. For each right option, you will see a green check mark and for each wrong option, you will see a red cross mark. If the chosen option is wrong then a green check mark will appear near the right option. This way you will know the right answer.

Let’s begin.

30 MCQs on Print Culture and the Modern World Class 10 SST History Chapter 5

1. In which country did print technology originate?

2. What was the main use of printed material in imperial China?

3. Which was the oldest Japanese book printed in 868 AD?

4. Who developed the first known printing press in Europe?

5. What was the first major book printed by Gutenberg?

6. What was one of the main impacts of the print revolution in Europe?

7. Which of the following best describes the relationship between oral and reading cultures due to print?

8. What material reached Europe via the silk route and was crucial for the development of print?

9. Who brought the knowledge of woodblock printing to Italy?

10. Which was one of the earliest uses of printed books in China?

11. What was the main effect of Gutenberg’s printing press on book production?

12. Which cultural movement was significantly influenced by print technology?

13. What did the blurred lines between oral and reading cultures lead to?

14. Which country did the Buddhist missionaries introduce hand-printing technology to?

15. Which innovation significantly reduced the cost of books in Europe?

16. What type of printed material became popular among European merchants?

17. What type of book was the Diamond Sutra?

18. What was a major reason for the diversification of print culture in China?

19. What did the imperial state in China primarily use printed material for?

20. Which technology replaced woodblock printing in Europe?

21. What was a common feature of early printed books in Europe?

22. What was one of the first non-religious uses of print technology in Europe?

23. How did print technology affect religious debates in Europe?

24. What was one of the effects of print technology on literacy rates?

25. Which technology was crucial for the development of the first printed books in China?

26. What type of books did urban culture in China diversify into?

27. Who was a major producer of printed material in imperial China?

28. How did print technology influence the Protestant Reformation?

29. Which of the following describes the relationship between print technology and literacy?

30. What was a significant feature of books produced by Gutenberg’s printing press?

Review Your Answers Above.

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The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 Multiple-choice questions have helped you learn more about the Class 10 Social Science (History) Chapter 5 (Print Culture and the Modern World) in detail. You can retake the test anytime you want by refreshing the page and review your results.

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