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MCQ on Class 9 Science Chapter 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure?

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Chapter 2 of class 9 science as per the NCERT syllabus is “Is Matter Around Us Pure?” which deals with an Introduction to Matter and Purity, Mixtures, Solutions, Suspensions, Colloidal Solutions, Physical and Chemical Changes, Elements and Compounds, etc.

Here, we have discussed 30 Multiple Choice Questions based on these topics of the chapter. These questions will help you to learn more about the chapter and test your knowledge.

For each question below, there are four options out of which only one option is correct. The correct answer to each question is given at the end for your reference.

MCQ on Class 9 Science Chapter 2

1. What does a scientist mean when they say a substance is “pure”?

A) It has no color
B) It has no odor
C) It consists of a single type of particle with uniform chemical nature
D) It is transparent

2. Which of the following is NOT considered a pure substance?

A) Water
B) Salt
C) Sugar
D) Soil

3. What term is used to describe a mixture with a uniform composition throughout?

A) Heterogeneous mixture
B) Homogeneous mixture
C) Colloidal mixture
D) Suspension

4. Which type of mixture contains physically distinct parts and has a non-uniform composition?

A) Homogeneous mixture
B) Compound
C) Heterogeneous mixture
D) Suspension

5. In a solution, the component that dissolves the other component is called the:

A) Solute
B) Solvent
C) Solution
D) Suspension

6. What is the size range of particles in a solution?

A) Greater than 1 nm
B) Less than 1 nm
C) Greater than 1 μm
D) Less than 1 μm

7. Which property is NOT associated with solutions?

A) Homogeneity
B) Stability
C) Scattering of light
D) Particle size less than 1 nm

8. Which of the following expressions represents the mass by mass percentage of a solution?

A) (Mass of solute)/(Mass of solution)
B) (Volume of solute)/(Volume of solution)
C) (Mass of solute)/(Mass of solvent)
D) (Mass of solute)/(Total mass of solution)

9. What is a saturated solution?

A) A solution with a low concentration of solute
B) A solution with the maximum amount of solute dissolved at a given temperature
C) A solution with no solute dissolved
D) A solution with an unstable composition

10. Which type of mixture contains visible particles that do not dissolve but remain suspended?

A) Solution
B) Compound
C) Suspension
D) Colloid

11. Which term describes a mixture of two or more substances with particles dispersed in a medium?

A) Homogeneous mixture
B) Compound
C) Colloid
D) Solute

12. What is the phenomenon where colloidal particles scatter light?

A) Tyndall effect
B) Brownian motion
C) Diffraction
D) Osmosis

13. What distinguishes a compound from a mixture?

A) Compound has variable composition
B) Compound shows the properties of its constituents
C) Compound can be separated by physical methods
D) Compound has a fixed composition

14. Which of the following is NOT a property of metals?

A) Poor conductors of electricity
B) Lustrous appearance
C) Malleability
D) Ductility

15. What is the state of matter of the majority of elements?

A) Solid
B) Liquid
C) Gas
D) Plasma

16. Which of the following elements is a non-metal?

A) Sodium
B) Hydrogen
C) Copper
D) Iron

17. What happens during a physical change?

A) Chemical composition changes
B) New substances are formed
C) Properties remain the same
D) Energy is absorbed

18. Burning of paper and wood is an example of:

A) Physical change
B) Chemical change
C) Phase change
D) Atomic change

19. What is the term for a basic form of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions?

A) Compound
B) Mixture
C) Element
D) Solution

20. Which group obtained a mixture in Activity 2.4 involving iron and sulfur?

A) Group I
B) Group II
C) Both groups
D) Neither group

21. What is the composition of a compound throughout?

A) Variable
B) Fixed
C) Homogeneous
D) Saturated

22. What distinguishes a suspension from a solution?

A) Particle size less than 1 nm
B) Homogeneous composition
C) Solute particles settle down when left undisturbed
D) Particle size greater than 1 μm

23. Which technique is used to separate colloidal particles from a mixture?

A) Filtration
B) Evaporation
C) Distillation
D) Centrifugation

24. What is the dispersing medium in a colloidal solution?

A) Dispersed phase
B) Solvent
C) Solute
D) Solution

25. What distinguishes a homogeneous mixture from a heterogeneous mixture?

A) Homogeneous mixtures have visible particles
B) Homogeneous mixtures have non-uniform composition
C) Heterogeneous mixtures have uniform composition
D) Heterogeneous mixtures contain physically distinct parts

26. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

A) Salt and water
B) Sand and water
C) Iron filings and sulfur
D) Oil and water

27. What is the term for the relative proportion of solute and solvent in a solution?

A) Concentration
B) Saturation
C) Dilution
D) Solubility

28. Which of the following is NOT a property of a colloid?

A) Homogeneous mixture
B) Particle size too small to be seen with the naked eye
C) Stable composition
D) Particle size greater than 1 nm

29. What is the state of matter of air?

A) Solution
B) Compound
C) Suspension
D) Gas

30. What property distinguishes a compound from its constituent elements?

A) Same properties
B) Fixed composition
C) Variable composition
D) Homogeneous nature

Correct Answers

Here is the list of correct answers to the above questions.

  1. C) It consists of a single type of particle with uniform chemical nature
  2. D) Soil
  3. B) Homogeneous mixture
  4. C) Heterogeneous mixture
  5. B) Solvent
  6. B) Less than 1 nm
  7. C) Scattering of light
  8. C) (Mass of solute)/(Mass of solvent)
  9. B) A solution with the maximum amount of solute dissolved at a given temperature
  10. C) Suspension
  11. C) Colloid
  12. A) Tyndall effect
  13. D) Compound has a fixed composition
  14. A) Poor conductors of electricity
  15. A) Solid
  16. B) Hydrogen
  17. C) Properties remain the same
  18. B) Chemical change
  19. C) Element
  20. A) Group I
  21. B) Fixed
  22. D) Particle size greater than 1 μm
  23. D) Centrifugation
  24. B) Solvent
  25. D) Heterogeneous mixtures contain physically distinct parts
  26. A) Salt and water
  27. A) Concentration
  28. A) Homogeneous mixture
  29. D) Gas
  30. A) Same properties

The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 MCQs on Is Matter Around Us Pure? of Class 9 Science Chapter 2 have helped you in your studies and preparation.

If you have any queries, or comments or find any mistake in the above questions, feel free to contact me in the comment section below.

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