Home » MCQ on Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry | Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 5

MCQ on Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry | Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 5

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Welcome to MCQ Assam School. This post contains 30 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) on the Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 5. The name of the chapter is “Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry”. So, basically, this post contains 30 MCQs on Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry. These MCQs will help you to understand the chapter better and will also help you prepare for your exam.

MCQ on Introduction to Euclid's Geometry

The Chapter deals with the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Geometry
  2. Euclid’s Contributions
  3. Definitions of geometric terms (point, line, surface)
  4. Axioms and Postulates
  5. Geometric Reasoning
  6. Proof of line and point relationships
  7. Construction of equilateral triangles
  8. Demonstration of geometric principles, etc.

These MCQs can also act as a Mock Test. There are 30 MCQs. There are four options for each question. Out of the four options, only one option is correct. Choose the correct options for each question and click on the submit button to see the results. You can also, review your answers. For each right option, you will see a green check mark and for each wrong option, you will see a red cross mark. If the chosen option is wrong then a green check mark will appear near the right option. This way you will know the right answer.

Let’s begin.

30 MCQs on Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5

1. What is the origin of the word ‘geometry’?

2. Which civilization developed geometric techniques for calculating areas after river flooding?

3. What were the Sulbasutras primarily used for in ancient India?

4. Who is credited with giving the first known mathematical proof?

5. How many dimensions does a point have according to Euclid?

6. How did Euclid define a line?

7. Which axiom states that things equal to the same thing are equal to one another?

8. According to Euclid, can magnitudes of different kinds be compared?

9. What does Postulate 2 state about a line segment?

10. How many propositions did Euclid deduce in his logical chain?

11. What is the primary focus of Greek mathematicians in geometry?

12. How many dimensions does a surface have according to Euclid?

13. How many basic postulates did Euclid propose?

14. According to the text, what is a ‘system of axioms’ called if it cannot deduce contradictory statements?

15. In which city was Euclid a mathematics teacher?

16. What was the name of Euclid’s famous treatise?

17. How many books did Euclid divide his ‘Elements’ into?

18. What ratio was found for brick dimensions in the Indus Valley Civilization?

19. Which civilization used geometry mostly for practical purposes?

20. What is the theorem that states two distinct lines cannot have more than one point in common?

21. What does Postulate 3 state about circles?

22. What is the period of the Sulbasutras?

23. How many dimensions does a solid have according to Euclid?

24. What was used for household rituals in Vedic geometry?

25. Which axiom states that if equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal?

26. What mathematical term describes statements that are proved using definitions, axioms, and reasoning?

27. In how many steps do solids reduce to points according to Euclid?

28. What was the primary way geometric knowledge was passed down in ancient civilizations?

29. How many definitions did Euclid list in Book 1 of ‘Elements’?

30. What does Postulate 4 state about right angles?

Review Your Answers Above.

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The Bottom Line

I hope these 30 Multiple-choice questions have helped you learn more about Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 5 (Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry) in detail. You can retake the test anytime you want by refreshing the page and review your results.

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