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5 Precis Writing Examples for APSC AAO Exam Success | General English

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Aspiring candidates for the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) exam face a challenging task in the General English section: precis writing. This crucial skill tests your ability to summarize complex texts concisely while retaining key information. To help you excel in this area, we’ve compiled five high-quality precis writing examples tailored for the APSC AAO exam. These examples will demonstrate effective techniques and provide valuable practice for your preparation.

Top 5 Precis Writing Samples for General English APSC AAO

Example 1: Environmental Conservation

Original Passage (150 words)

The Earth’s natural resources are finite, and human activities are placing increasing strain on these precious assets. Deforestation, pollution, and overconsumption threaten biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Climate change, largely driven by greenhouse gas emissions, poses existential risks to vulnerable communities and wildlife. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, including sustainable resource management, renewable energy adoption, and lifestyle changes. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have crucial roles to play in environmental conservation. Education and awareness campaigns can foster a sense of responsibility and encourage eco-friendly practices. Additionally, technological innovations in fields such as clean energy and waste management offer promising solutions. By working together and implementing comprehensive strategies, we can mitigate environmental damage and preserve the planet for future generations.

Precis (50 words)

Earth’s limited resources face threats from human activities, including deforestation and pollution. Climate change endangers communities and ecosystems. Solving these issues demands sustainable practices, renewable energy use, and behavioral changes. Collaboration among governments, businesses, and individuals, coupled with education and technological advancements, is essential for effective environmental conservation and securing our planet’s future.

Example 2: Digital Privacy

Original Passage (140 words)

In the digital age, personal privacy has become an increasingly complex issue. The proliferation of social media platforms, online shopping, and connected devices has led to unprecedented data collection. While this information can enhance user experiences and drive innovation, it also raises concerns about data security and potential misuse. Governments worldwide are grappling with the challenge of balancing privacy protection with technological progress. Legislation such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to give individuals greater control over their personal information. However, implementation and enforcement remain ongoing challenges. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for individuals to be aware of their digital footprint and take steps to protect their privacy. This includes understanding privacy settings, being cautious about sharing sensitive information, and staying informed about data protection laws and best practices.

Precis (47 words)

The digital era has intensified privacy concerns due to extensive data collection. While beneficial for user experiences and innovation, it poses risks of data misuse. Governments struggle to balance privacy protection with technological advancement. Individuals must actively manage their digital presence and stay informed about data protection measures.

Example 3: Global Education Inequality

Original Passage (160 words)

Education is widely recognized as a fundamental human right and a key driver of social and economic development. However, access to quality education remains highly unequal across the globe. In many developing countries, factors such as poverty, gender discrimination, and inadequate infrastructure prevent millions of children from receiving even basic schooling. This educational disparity perpetuates cycles of poverty and hinders global progress. International organizations and governments have made efforts to address this issue through initiatives like the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which include achieving inclusive and quality education for all. However, significant challenges remain, including teacher shortages, language barriers, and the digital divide. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these inequalities, with remote learning inaccessible to many students in underserved communities. Addressing global education inequality requires sustained investment in educational infrastructure, teacher training, and innovative approaches to overcome geographical and socioeconomic barriers. Only by ensuring equal access to quality education can we hope to create a more equitable and prosperous world.

Precis (53 words)

Despite being a fundamental right and crucial for development, quality education access remains unequal globally. Poverty, discrimination, and poor infrastructure hinder education in developing countries, perpetuating poverty cycles. While international efforts address this issue, challenges persist, exacerbated by the pandemic. Sustained investment and innovation are necessary to achieve educational equity worldwide.

Example 4: Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Original Passage (145 words)

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has brought about unprecedented opportunities and challenges. AI systems are increasingly being deployed in critical areas such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice. While these applications have the potential to greatly improve efficiency and decision-making, they also raise significant ethical concerns. Issues such as algorithmic bias, privacy violations, and job displacement must be carefully addressed. There is growing recognition of the need for ethical frameworks and regulation in AI development and deployment. Principles such as transparency, accountability, and fairness are being emphasized by researchers and policymakers. However, implementing these principles in practice remains complex, given the fast-paced nature of technological progress. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to foster ongoing dialogue between technologists, ethicists, policymakers, and the public to ensure that AI systems are developed and used in ways that benefit society as a whole.

Precis (49 words)

The swift progress of AI offers both opportunities and ethical challenges in crucial sectors. Concerns include algorithmic bias, privacy issues, and job losses. While ethical frameworks emphasizing transparency and fairness are emerging, practical implementation is complex. Continuous dialogue among stakeholders is vital to ensure AI benefits society comprehensively.

Example 5: Urban Planning and Sustainability

Original Passage (155 words)

As the world’s population becomes increasingly urbanized, cities face mounting challenges in providing sustainable and livable environments for their residents. Issues such as traffic congestion, air pollution, inadequate housing, and strained public services plague many urban centers. Addressing these challenges requires innovative approaches to urban planning that prioritize sustainability and quality of life. Smart city initiatives leverage technology to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Green spaces and urban forests are being integrated to enhance air quality and provide recreational areas. Sustainable transportation solutions, including improved public transit and cycling infrastructure, are being implemented to reduce reliance on private vehicles. Additionally, many cities are adopting circular economy principles to minimize waste and resource consumption. Successful urban planning also involves community engagement and social equity considerations to ensure that development benefits all residents. By reimagining urban spaces and implementing forward-thinking policies, cities can become more resilient, sustainable, and enjoyable places to live for current and future generations.

Precis (52 words)

Growing urbanization presents challenges like congestion, pollution, and inadequate services. Sustainable urban planning addresses these issues through smart city technologies, green spaces, and improved transportation. Circular economy principles and community engagement are also crucial. By implementing innovative strategies, cities can become more resilient, sustainable, and livable for all residents.

The Bottom Line

Mastering precis writing is essential for success in the APSC AAO exam. The five examples provided here cover a range of relevant topics and demonstrate key skills in summarizing complex information concisely. As you prepare for the exam, practice condensing various texts while preserving their core messages. Remember to focus on clarity, coherence, and capturing the most important points.

With dedicated practice and attention to detail, you can refine your precis writing skills and approach this section of the exam with confidence. Good luck with your APSC AAO preparation!

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