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Precis Writing Examples with Answers: Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

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Precis writing is a valuable skill. It helps to condense information. It distills the essence of a longer text. It is not simply copying. It is not merely rewording. Precis writing demands understanding. It requires the ability to analyze and synthesize.

In academics, precis writing proves essential. It helps students grasp complex concepts. It aids in note-taking and studying. In exams, it tests comprehension. It evaluates the ability to express ideas concisely. In professional life, precis writing is a powerful tool. It helps to summarize reports, articles, or presentations. It saves time. It facilitates clear communication.

This guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to master precis writing. It will provide you with numerous examples, complete with answers. It will offer you exercises to practice your skills.

Precis Writing Examples with Answers

What is Precis Writing?

A precis is a shortened version of a longer text. It retains the core message. It omits unnecessary details. It is not a paraphrase. It is a condensed representation. It is objective. It is not an interpretation. It is a factual summary.

A good precis has distinct characteristics:

  • Conciseness: It is significantly shorter than the original text. Typically, a precis is one-third or one-fourth the length of the original.
  • Accuracy: It faithfully represents the main idea and supporting points of the original text. It avoids distortions or misinterpretations.
  • Completeness: It includes all essential information from the original text. It does not leave out any crucial details.
  • Originality: It is written in your own words. It is not a patchwork of phrases copied from the original text.

Distinguishing Precis, Summary, and Paraphrase

LengthSignificantly shorter (1/3 to 1/4 of original)Can be variable, depending on the purposeRoughly the same length as the original
FocusMain idea and essential supporting pointsMain idea and key detailsRestatement of the original in different words
OriginalityHigh (written in your own words)Moderate (some phrases from the original may be used)Low (closely follows the structure and wording of the original)
ObjectivityHigh (avoids personal opinions or interpretations)Moderate (may include some interpretation)Low (may include interpretation or analysis)

How to Write a Precis Step-by-Step

Step 1: Read for Comprehension

Read the original text carefully. Read it multiple times if necessary. Focus on understanding the author’s main idea. Grasp the supporting points.

Step 2: Identify the Main Idea and Supporting Points

Determine the central message of the text. What is the author trying to convey? Pinpoint the key arguments or details that support this main idea. Note these down.

Step 3: Write a Draft Precis

Using your own words, write a draft of your precis. Start with a sentence that captures the main idea. Then, incorporate the supporting points. Aim for conciseness.

Step 4: Revise and Edit

Review your draft precis. Does it accurately reflect the original text? Is it concise and well-organized? Revise any sentences that are unclear or wordy.

Step 5: Compare and Refine

Compare your precis with the original text. Does it capture the essence of the original? Have you omitted any essential information?

10 Precis Writing Examples with Answers

Example 1: Short Story Excerpt

Original Text:

“The old man sat by the window, watching the rain fall. He had lived a long life, filled with joys and sorrows, successes and failures. He had loved and lost, laughed and cried. Now, in the twilight of his years, he found solace in the simple things – the warmth of the sun, the sound of the rain, the laughter of children playing in the park. He knew that his time was drawing to a close, but he did not fear death. He had lived a full life, and he was ready to embrace the next chapter.”


An old man reflects on his long life, filled with varied experiences. He finds comfort in simple pleasures and accepts the inevitability of death with equanimity.

Example 2: News Article

Original Text:

“Scientists have discovered a new species of deep-sea fish off the coast of Australia. The fish, named the ‘bioluminescent anglerfish,’ is notable for its unique ability to produce light from its lure. This light attracts prey, allowing the fish to survive in the dark depths of the ocean. The discovery highlights the vast biodiversity that still remains unexplored in our oceans.”


A new species of bioluminescent anglerfish, capable of producing light to attract prey, has been discovered in the deep sea off Australia, emphasizing the unexplored biodiversity of the oceans.

Example 3: Opinion Piece

Original Text:

“Social media platforms have become ubiquitous in modern life, offering unprecedented opportunities for connection and communication. However, their impact on mental health is a growing concern. Studies have linked excessive social media use to increased anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. The curated online world often presents an unrealistic portrayal of life, leading to social comparison and dissatisfaction. While social media can be a valuable tool, it’s crucial to use it mindfully and prioritize real-world interactions.”


Social media’s widespread use offers benefits for connection but raises concerns about mental health due to its association with anxiety, depression, and isolation. The unrealistic online world can lead to social comparison and dissatisfaction, necessitating mindful use and prioritizing real-world interactions.

Example 4: Academic Text (Science)

Original Text:

“Climate change is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences. Rising global temperatures, caused primarily by human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation, are leading to more frequent and intense extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. These changes pose significant threats to ecosystems, agriculture, and human health. Mitigating climate change requires a global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources.”


Climate change, driven by human activities, causes rising temperatures and extreme weather events, threatening ecosystems, agriculture, and human health. Mitigating this crisis requires global action to reduce emissions and adopt renewable energy.

Example 5: Academic Text (History)

Original Text:

“The French Revolution, a period of radical social and political upheaval in France, had a profound impact on Europe and indeed the entire world. It began with the storming of the Bastille in 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed within three years. French society underwent an epic transformation, as feudal, aristocratic, and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from radical left-wing political groups, masses on the streets, and peasants in the countryside. Old ideas about tradition and hierarchy were abruptly overthrown by new principles of citizenship and inalienable rights.”  


The French Revolution (1789-1799) was a period of radical change in France, marked by the overthrow of the monarchy and the rise of new principles of citizenship and rights. This upheaval transformed French society and had a profound impact on the world.

Example 6: Blog Post

Original Text:

“Minimalism is not just about decluttering your home; it’s a lifestyle choice that can lead to a more fulfilling life. By focusing on experiences rather than material possessions, minimalists free themselves from the burden of consumerism. They prioritize quality over quantity, choosing to invest in items that truly add value to their lives. Minimalism can also lead to financial freedom, as it encourages saving and conscious spending. Ultimately, it’s about living intentionally and finding joy in simplicity.”


Minimalism is a lifestyle that prioritizes experiences over possessions, encouraging intentional living and financial freedom through quality over quantity and conscious spending.

Example 7: Product Description

Original Text:

“The XYZ Wireless Earbuds are the perfect blend of style and performance. Featuring advanced noise-canceling technology, they deliver crystal-clear audio, whether you’re listening to music, podcasts, or taking calls. The ergonomic design ensures a comfortable fit for all-day wear, and the sweat-resistant construction makes them ideal for workouts. With a long-lasting battery life and a convenient charging case, the XYZ Wireless Earbuds are your ultimate audio companion.”


XYZ Wireless Earbuds offer noise-canceling technology, clear audio, ergonomic design, sweat resistance, long battery life, and a charging case, making them a versatile and convenient audio accessory.

Example 8: Speech Excerpt

Original Text:

“In the face of adversity, we must remember that we are not alone. We are a community, a nation, a global family bound by shared values and aspirations. The challenges we face may seem daunting, but our collective strength and resilience will see us through. Let us not succumb to fear or despair, but rise to the occasion with courage and determination. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and build a brighter future for all.”


In challenging times, we must remember our shared values and collective strength. We should face adversity with courage and determination, working together to overcome obstacles and create a better future.

Example 9: Poem Stanza

Original Text:

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.”  


The speaker acknowledges the allure of the woods but is committed to fulfilling promises and continuing their journey.

Example 10: Book Review

Original Text:

“In ‘The Midnight Library,’ Matt Haig weaves a captivating tale of second chances and infinite possibilities. The novel follows Nora Seed, a woman disillusioned with life, who finds herself in a magical library where each book offers a glimpse into an alternate life she could have lived. As she explores these different realities, Nora confronts her regrets and learns valuable lessons about life, love, and the importance of making choices. Haig’s writing is poignant and thought-provoking, leaving readers pondering their own paths and the power of possibility.”


‘The Midnight Library’ by Matt Haig tells the story of Nora Seed, who explores alternate lives in a magical library, confronting regrets and learning about choices, life, and love. Haig’s writing is both poignant and thought-provoking.

Precis Writing Practice Exercises

Test your understanding of precis writing with these practice exercises. Write a precis for each passage, keeping in mind the principles of conciseness, accuracy, completeness, and originality.

Exercise 1:

“The human brain is a complex organ with a vast network of interconnected neurons. It is responsible for everything we think, feel, and do. The brain controls our movements, regulates our bodily functions, and processes information from our senses. It is the seat of our consciousness, memory, and emotions. Despite decades of research, much about the brain remains a mystery. However, scientists continue to make new discoveries about its structure and function, shedding light on the incredible complexity of this organ.”

Exercise 2:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy. Lockdowns and travel restrictions disrupted supply chains, leading to shortages of goods and rising prices. Businesses across various sectors suffered losses, and unemployment rates soared. Governments implemented fiscal stimulus measures to support struggling businesses and individuals. The pandemic also accelerated the adoption of digital technologies, as remote work and online shopping became the norm for many.”

Exercise 3:

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the world around us. From self-driving cars to medical diagnosis, AI is being used to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and solve complex problems. However, the rise of AI also raises ethical concerns about job displacement, privacy, and bias. It is essential to develop responsible AI systems that prioritize human well-being and social good.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a precis and a summary?

While both precis and summary aim to condense information, a precis is more concise and focuses solely on the main idea and essential supporting points. A summary may include more details and can be longer than a precis.

How long should a precis be?

A precis is typically one-third or one-fourth the length of the original text. However, the length may vary depending on the complexity of the original and the purpose of the precis.

Can I include my own opinions in a precis?

No, a precis should be objective and should not contain your personal opinions or interpretations. It should strictly reflect the author’s views and intentions.

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